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Pilot Clustering Programme

SNS is delighted to announce that the network has been successful in completing Phase 1 of the Pilot Clustering Programme – Feasibility / Scoping Study Phase and has successfully secured a place on Phase 2 of the Programme.

We are confident that the success of Phase 1 will allow the network to expand the Cluster activities to the greater Network community under Phase 2 of the network.

The Pilot Clustering Programme aims to support industry-led groups to maximise the benefits of collaborative opportunities. Collaborating with other companies provides the opportunity to access customers, research facilities, technical knowledge and markets that would be outside the capability or scope of a business working alone. The potential benefits to companies expected from involving themselves in industry-led clustering activities includes, but is not limited to:


  • increased productivity and company income
  • increased market share
  • increased innovation and knowledge transfer
  • enhanced capability

The cluster programme provides businesses with the opportunity to undertake time limited clustering initiatives whilst enabling them to leverage external expertise, share knowledge, resources and risk, and build capability and capacity.

The companies have formed the SNS Manufacturing Group and are poised to bring the cluster programme to the entire network.

Test Adrian