Aaron PCB Assemblies

+353 (0)86 3850362
Gerard Murray, Managing Director
Unit 7, Smithstown Industrial Estate
Primary Activities:
Aaron PCB Ltd provide Printed Circuit Board Assembly and Electronic Manufacturing services to companies. This includes full turnkey of all parts including mechanical and plastics if required. We also can offer design and layout services. Established in 2004. CRO number 386785
Company Profile:
Aaron PCB Ltd supply a wide range of blue chip companies in Ireland, USA, UK and Spain. We supply both large multinationals and small businesses. Our equipment includes Two SMT Placement Lines, a PTH Line, a Box Build Line, an Electronic Assembly Test line and Burn In Oven which are run by our highly skilled Personnel. We have a reputation for consistently delivering high quality products to meet demanding schedules. Aaron PCB was the Winner of the 2013 National Enterprise Innovation Award
Key Capabilities:
Telecommunications, Electronics, Power Products, Consumer Products, Heating Products, Semiconductor Industries.
Certification: ISO9001 Quality Management System Certified